Q - The movie I selected will not download. What do I do now?

A - If you see an error message, there are two types of error messages you can receive:

"Linklok could not open the file" - If you see this error, there is something wrong with the file location or name of the movie.

Please report it to us by clicking here so we can fix the file, and you can download it again at no additional charge.

When contacting us about a bad download, please provide the following information:
Movie Title and/or Number
Your Username
Your E-Mail Address

"The link has expired" -If you see this error, it means the direct link to your movie has expired because you are not logged in properly. Simply log in again and download the file at no additional charge.

If you didn't receive any error message, your download may have been successful, but the file is hidden somewhere on your computer. Try using the search feature in Windows or the Spotlight feature in Mac OSX to locate the folder where your file may have been downloaded. Check your "My Documents" or "Downloads" folder to see if the movies downloaded there.

If you are using the Firefox browser, there is a known issue that may cause files to download as an unknown format. Simply insert the file extension such as ".mp4" at the end of the filename, and presto, you can play the movie!